Hemlock Specialists is committed to preserving hemlocks for future generations by protecting our clients’ prized trees
Common Questions
What is the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid?
HWA (Adelges tsugae) is an invasive exotic insect that attaches to the base of the needles and feeds upon essential nutrients, eventually killing the tree. It attacks the Eastern and Carolina Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis and Tsuga caroliniana), which are both abundant in this area. The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid has attacked trees in East TN since 2002. All East Tennessee Counties currently have infestations. If infested trees are left untreated they will almost certainly die.
Healthy Hemlock
What are the signs of HWA?
Can my trees be saved?
We offer professional applications including a soil drench and a stem injection treatment with imidacloprid. We also provide an organic foliar treatment with insecticidal soap. Treatments take some time to be fully effective, so early treatment is ideal. We provide:
Healthy Hemlock
Evaluation and treatment for Hemlock wooly adelgid Contact Steven Shaper
Knoxville,TN (865)566-7847 stevenshaper@yahoo.com
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